Duurzaamheid in combinatie met een rendabele strategie

Odot adviseert u over duurzame, toekomstgerichte energie-oplossingen. Onze experts investeren sterk in het verzamelen van kennis over alle relevante onderwerpen: van aankoop van groene energie en de overgang naar elektromobiliteit tot het investeren in lokale hernieuwbare energie.


Odot ontwikkelt steeds de meest rendabele oplossing voor uw vraag rond duurzame, groene energie.

Onze oplossingen

Hoe transformeren naar duurzame energie met Odot?

Onze filosofie is dat ecologie en economie hand in hand moeten gaan. Een duurzame oplossing wordt pas interessant wanneer er ook een rendabel model voor de investeerder achter zit. Zo bieden wij zonnepanelen installaties met een terugverdientijd tussen 3 en 6 jaar aan, behartigen wij uw belangen bij een investering in windenergie, en ontzorgen wij u op vlak van laadpaal-infrastructuur.


Naarmate de rendabiliteit van nieuwe oplossingen stijgt, creëren wij een bijkomend aanbod voor onze klanten, onder de beste voorwaarden op de markt.

Lokale hernieuwbare energie opwekken.

Lokaal energie opwekken kan het best via zonnepanelen of windenergie. Dat zijn vandaag immers de meest rendabele technologieën.


Dankzij ons unieke aankoopmodel garanderen we de beste prijzen en voorwaarden voor beide energiebronnen. Door een gedegen selectie van partners, verzekeren we u bovendien van de hoogste kwaliteit.


Groene energie
optimaal aankopen.

Kies voor duurzame energie die ook focust op uw budget. Odot ondersteunt u bij het inkopen van groene energie tegen de laagst mogelijke prijs. Bovendien helpen we u om GVO's rechtstreeks bij de producent aan te kopen, wat een aanzienlijk prijsvoordeel oplevert.

Hoe doen we dit?


Hoe maakt u de transitie naar elektromobiliteit zo eenvoudig en efficiënt mogelijk? Odot ontzorgt volledig, met een solide visie op de toekomst, in een snel evoluerende markt.

Feiten en cijfers

Cijfers over groene stroom.


50K MWh

Odot beheert meer dan 50.000 MWh aan groene stroom


10.5K Ton per jaar

zoveel CO2 besparen we met onze zon- en windprojecten

Contacteer Odot.

Plan een gesprek met een Odot expert en ontdek wat we voor u kunnen doen.

De laatste input uit de wereld van energie

Odot Blog.

Blijf up-to-date en ervaar de voordelen. Lees hoe u maximaal kan besparen op uw energiekosten. Hoe u inzet op de duurzame energiemix van de toekomst. Hoe de juiste energie bedrijven een voelbare boost geeft. En wat er beweegt in de wereld van energie-aankopen en groene stroom.

ESG and energy transition: Odot's vision for sustainable energy management.
ESG and energy transition: Odot's vision for sustainable energy management.Odot/June 21, 2024

ESG and energy transition: Odot's vision for sustainable energy management.

Odot and BDO support companies in integrating ESG criteria into energy management, helping with regulatory compliance and optimisation of energy contracts, with a focus on transparency and sustainability.

The evolution of nuclear power in sustainable energy management: an overview.
The evolution of nuclear power in sustainable energy management: an overview.Odot/May 29, 2024

The evolution of nuclear power in sustainable energy management: an overview.

Nuclear power in Belgium is evolving from a dominant energy source to a future in which renewable energy plays the main role.

Clicking in the energy market: Distinguishing the importance of block and profile clicks.
Clicking in the energy market: Distinguishing the importance of block and profile clicks.Odot/April 29, 2024

Clicking in the energy market: Distinguishing the importance of block and profile clicks.

In the business energy market, it is crucial to understand the difference between profile clicks and block clicks. While profile clicks are based on consumption profiles, block clicks set equal volumes for each hour.

Turn your charging stations into a profitable business model in no time.
Turn your charging stations into a profitable business model in no time.Odot/March 20, 2024

Turn your charging stations into a profitable business model in no time.

In this article, we will discuss key costs when installing charging stations, as well as strategies to maximise revenue using detailed energy accounting.

Which trends will impact the energy environment in 2024? 
Which trends will impact the energy environment in 2024? Odot/March 17, 2024

Which trends will impact the energy environment in 2024? 

Discover emerging energy trends for 2024 in our latest blog post. From natural gas prices to mandatory sustainability reporting, we highlight the critical developments that will impact the energy environment over the coming year. Stay abreast of the developments and opportunities that will shape the future of energy.

Anticipated developments in energy prices in 2024 and beyond.
Anticipated developments in energy prices in 2024 and beyond.Odot/March 17, 2024

Anticipated developments in energy prices in 2024 and beyond.

In this dynamic energy market, where uncertainty is the only constant, Odot offers the expertise and guidance you need. Together, we can develop a strategy that will make your business resilient in the rapidly changing energy landscapes of 2024 and beyond.

Energy Sharing: Five potential pitfalls that might impact your revenue.
Energy Sharing: Five potential pitfalls that might impact your revenue.Odot/March 17, 2024

Energy Sharing: Five potential pitfalls that might impact your revenue.

Numerous companies have contacted us in recent months to ask about participating in Energy Sharing, an initiative that can significantly reduce energy costs. However, Chris Elbers, CEO of Odot, emphasizes that the potential benefits do not always live up to expectations. He explains: “Energy sharing is a brilliant concept, but in practice it often turns out to be just a drop in the ocean for many companies.”

Evolving Energy Market: Company challenges and the role Odot can play.
Evolving Energy Market: Company challenges and the role Odot can play.Odot/March 17, 2024

Evolving Energy Market: Company challenges and the role Odot can play.

To avoid unnecessary costs and fines, i.e. in the event of significant changes such as the implementation of solar panels or charging stations, companies now have to invest more and more time and expertise in their energy policies. These are complex challenges that require a strategic approach

BDO and Odot join forces for sustainable energy management.
BDO and Odot join forces for sustainable energy management.Odot/March 17, 2024

BDO and Odot join forces for sustainable energy management.

BDO’s participation in our capital enables us to join forces and market “Energy Accounting” as a new concept. Thanks to this partnership even more companies are able to access efficient and sustainable solutions for their energy expenditure.

Rising energy prices defy logic.
Rising energy prices defy logic.Odot/March 17, 2024

Rising energy prices defy logic.

What impact do rising energy prices have on your bill? You cannot ignore it in the media right now; rising energy prices are everywhere and many business leaders don’t know what to expect when they receive their next energy bill.

This is what Odot can do for multi-site companies such as Link2Europe.
This is what Odot can do for multi-site companies such as Link2Europe.Odot/March 17, 2024

This is what Odot can do for multi-site companies such as Link2Europe.

If your company comprises a large number of sites, the (administrative) management of gas and electricity can be daunting. Link2Europe knows exactly what this entails. Or to be correct, what this entailed.

Why BMW Herentals opts for a single energy partner.
Why BMW Herentals opts for a single energy partner.Odot/March 17, 2024

Why BMW Herentals opts for a single energy partner.

“Having your energy requirements managed by one party is a major advantage,” Filip explained. “Different energy providers are keen enough to sell their wares, but it is quite difficult to make comparisons between them.”

A new energy contract: what should you be aware of?
A new energy contract: what should you be aware of?Odot/March 17, 2024

A new energy contract: what should you be aware of?

Several companies are now taking steps to analyze their energy contracts. Or, your energy provider is proactive in sending you a new proposal for the renewal of your contract.

Energy prices below zero. Does this apply to you as well?
Energy prices below zero. Does this apply to you as well?Odot/March 17, 2024

Energy prices below zero. Does this apply to you as well?

Covid-19 measures are dramatically reducing global energy consumption. However, wind turbines, solar farms and nuclear power plants continue to produce energy at the same level as before.

Covid is lowering your energy bills
Covid is lowering your energy billsOdot/March 17, 2024

Covid is lowering your energy bills

The impact of the Covid-19 virus is also being felt in the energy sector. The measures that have been taken are drastically reducing energy consumption. This triggers the effect of supply and demand and energy prices are going into free fall to exceptionally low price levels.

Transparency a definite asset with Jean-Charles Wibo’s companies
Transparency a definite asset with Jean-Charles Wibo’s companiesOdot/March 17, 2024

Transparency a definite asset with Jean-Charles Wibo’s companies

Jean-Charles Wibo is owner of the Vlassenroot Group, a market leader in XXL steel processing, with the Antwerp Courthouse and Charles de Gaulle International Airport as two recent projects they were involved in.

Hotel Franq purchases worry free energy with Odot
Hotel Franq purchases worry free energy with OdotOdot/March 17, 2024

Hotel Franq purchases worry free energy with Odot

How do you buy energy in a straightforward manner and how can you be sure that you are getting the lowest energy price when you are running a hotel? Two relevant questions we put to Kristel Geubels, General Manager at the impressive Hotel Franq.

Odot helps keep the snow in Aspen really cold
Odot helps keep the snow in Aspen really coldOdot/March 17, 2024

Odot helps keep the snow in Aspen really cold

Lovers of perfect snow flock to Aspen in Wilrijk 365 days a year. How they ‘make’ their snow, managing energy as efficiently as possible and purchasing it using a smart approach.

Odot, your company's energy expert
Odot, your company's energy expertOdot/March 17, 2024

Odot, your company's energy expert

A personal energy expert for your business? Look no further than Odot. One of our very first customers, Group Van Loon (GVL), is more than happy to tell you all about it!